Professional Services

Are you considering hypnotherapy for a personal issue? If so, I bet you probably have many questions since the art and science of hypnosis is something new and unfamiliar to most people. And so many others have heard so many myths repeated in the past, they really don’t know what to believe or expect. Contact me for some good answers and advice.

An estimated 98.6% of all human beings can learn and benefit from daily practice of my AIM Technique. Don’t go into the real world and try to live life without it! In our world, one needs a comforting mind-body method to quieten ourselves down back to eustress. And little can do that faster than my AIM Technique.

As I always say, “In difficult times, you deserve to do and feel better. I can help you.”

All office work is done strictly by advance appointment following a free brief phone consultation.

For information on obtaining any of my professional services, please feel free to contact me in Pittsburgh, PA.

Phone: (412) 366-1000
